Zeruki is a creative tangent derived from my creation process for Cuña, which addresses the phenomenon of internalised female misogyny.

Zeruki is a creative tangent derived from my creation process for Cuña, which addresses the phenomenon of internalised female misogyny. This piece is subdivided into different phases of a woman’s life, including romantic relationships. Zeruki is a continuation of this research created specifically for the Dantzaz ensemble.
It is a study of archetypical roles in relationships, particularly those of men and women, and what is found in the middle. Internalised misogyny and toxic masculinity are two sides of the same dysfunctional coin, the root cause and accessory to problems of abuse and violence, and failures to understand consent.
Zeruki resides in a surrealist parallel world, inspired in its aesthetics by Basque Country landscapes and the work of Spanish visual artist Remedios Varo. Using video projections, it plays with the poetry of images and movement to change focus and emphasise details, making visible what typically is not.
I invite you to experience this piece with your visors, being more connected with your senses and physical sensations rather than attempting to understand a specific story. The piece is full of references, but experiencing them and knowing which ones resonate belongs to you alone