
Coletivo Qualquer is formed by Ibon Salvador (Basque Country) and Luciana Chieregati (Brazil), both choreographers and dancers. Their work is mainly focused on the creation of dance pieces and on the promotion of possible contexts for artistic creation and exchanges in collaboration. They also work giving workshops. They have lately been dedicated to experimenting with specific choreographic tools, developed in contexts of creation and collaboration, with which they work on their different processes. Máquinas de Colaboración (Collaboration Machines) is the name of this proto-methodology and receives input from creative artists such as Idoia Zabaleta, Victoria Pérez Royo and also from their experiences with the Real Time Composing methodology developed by João Fiadeiro and Claudia Dias.

They live and work in Bilbao where they develop the choreographic projects OVER, Huts–Artean, GAG, Lecturas Irreparables and It was a large room.
Eventos participa
Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Dancers and choreographers