
Photo: Jorge Anguita Mirón

María Salgado (1984) and Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca (1976) have been working together in Madrid since 2012, basing their work on an idea of an audiotext as an intersection between poetry, language, sound art, music, and performance. 

The research area, entitled Hacía un ruido (2012-2016), which focused on the cycle of political disobedience in 2011, gave rise to graphic self-published posters and pamphlets, a book published by the Contrabando publishing company, a CD launched with the Ruido Sisterhood label, an instrumental piece for the Vertixe Sonora ensemble, an audio installation that lasted two months, as well as a hybrid recital that toured through places as diverse as Espacio Naranjo and the Valle Inclán Theatre of Madrid, the Picnic Sessions of the Dos de Mayo Art Centre of Mostoles, the ZEMOS 98 Festival of Seville, 16 Beaver of New York, the Hangar of Barcelona, and El Arsenal of Córdoba. Jinete Último Reino , the research area in which they are currently immersed, has its origin as an instrumental piece for oboe and electronic instruments performed in 2013 by the Smash Ensemble and published as a score in the Present Tense Pamphletscollection.

When the three fragments that make it up are completed, they will be united in a full-length stage piece; meanwhile, the pieces are rotating autonomously through spaces like the C3A of Córdoba, the Párraga Centre, the Reina Sofía National Art Museum, the Idiorítmies Festival of the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art, the Sâlmon < Festival, the Escenas do cambio Festival of Santiago de Compostela, and the Matadero Exhibition Space of Madrid; in addition to becoming audio tracks (like Negro RSRJ RJRS, Reina Sofía Radio, 2017), posters (Manifiesto, 2018), and publications.
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