The airstrip, Heinz Emigholz, Germany, 2013, 108', OV with spanish subtitles. DCP
Imagine a space onto which a bomb has been dropped. The bomb has not yet achieved its objective, but there is no way of stopping it. That time between the launch and the explosion is not the future (since the destruction has not yet happened) or the past. That moment/time of the drop contains all possibilities - which shortly will cease to exist - and describes the absolute nothingness, zero hour.
This is an architectural trip towards the abyss, the natural history of destruction, an essay on the atomic bomb from Berlin to Arromanches, Rome, Wrocław, Görlitz, Paris, Bologna, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Atlantis, Montevideo, Mexico City, Brasilia, Tokyo, Saipan, Tinian, Tokyo, San Francisco, Dallas, Binz and Mexico City again until getting back to Berlin.
Screening of the film 'The airstrip' by Heinz Emigholz, within the season Cinema and Architecture.