This course proposes an approach to contemporary art that does not ask directly to the work what it is or what it represents. It is rather a matter of looking around it, of approaching the context in which it is produced. Each month we invite one person to prepare a session related to Tabakalera's contemporary art exhibition, with the aim of generating a kind of collective toolbox that delves into the contents of the exhibitions and activates new ideas and debates about art.
If there is one thing about works of art, it is that they are untranslatable. But at the same time we are sure that through them we can come to understand many of the mechanisms of our society. We are interested in challenging the 'I don't understand art' to build a space in which the knowledge of everyone can come into play. Let's put the machine to work.
March 13
April 3
May 8
An approach to contemporary art.
Reserva: Arte makina visiones FALSO
FechaInicio: 2025-01-13
FechaFin: 2025-01-13
FechaAlta: 2024-12-19
Proyecto: ERAKUSKETAK Hezkuntza
Idioma: EU
idReserva: 0463AEE8-9BEF-4ADD-B346-4A59634A3CA6
Fecha: 2025-01-13
HoraInicio: 18:00
HoraFin: 20:00
Plazas: 20
idAmbito: 4FD005A9-A106-42FD-9A39-2E35D465BB44
TituloEvento: Arte makina. Visiones cuánticas
TituloEventoEU: Arte makina. Visiones cuánticas
Sala: ERAKUSKETA ARETOA - Actividades
SalaES: Sala de exposiciones
SalaEU: Erakusketa-aretoa
Ocupacion: Ikastaroa
OcupacionES: Cursillo
OcupacionEU: Ikastaroa