
Photo: Gülsün Karamustafa, ‘My Roses My Reveries’ (1998, 2013).            


Ayşe Güleç is currently responsible for community liaison in the office of the artistic director of documenta 14 in Kassel. She studied social education/social work at the University of Kassel and has been working at the cultural centre Kulturzentrum Schlachthof since 1998. The focus of her work is migrants and (inter-) cultural education. She developed the documenta 12 advisory board and consequently became its spokeswoman. She became a member of the Maybe Education Group at documenta 13 and trained a group of the art mediators.
As an activist-researcher she is working in the development of self-organized initiatives in the context of gender, migration, post-colonialism and anti-racism for e.g. Initiative 6.April or Peoples Tribunal-NSU Unravelling.
Publication: “Fordern, überfordern, verweigern. Bild- und Raumpolitik(en) in der Migrationsgesellschaft,” in Zülfukar Çetin, Savaş Taş,ed.: Gespräche über Rassismus. Perspektiven & Widerstände, March 2015, pp. 189–216; Kunstvermittlung – Arbeit mit dem Publikum, Öffnung der Institutionen. Formate und Methoden der Kunstvermittlung auf der documenta 12, diaphanes, Berlin, 2009. 


Cargo - Nota descriptiva
activist-researcher, documenta 14