Conventional radio antennas are designed to set a signal on a very specific range of frequencies and reduce the space for undesirable signals, interferences, and noise as much as possible in order to optimise the consumption of information, or what we identify as information socially. In this live activation of Resonating Sculpture IX, artist, activist, and cultural manager Reni Hofmüller proposes a session of collective listening to the electromagnetic space that surrounds, affects, and embraces us without our even knowing it. Here we open a dimensional portal, a space for potentiality, in which meteorology, geography, infrastructure, objects, humans, and non-humans share agency; we affect each other and allow ourselves to be affected.
Hand made and designed from research work on water infrastructure in San Sebastian that included support from the Tabakalera team, the copper lines that make up the speculative map and drawing of Resonating Sculpture IX will pick up the broadcasts, interferences, and artefacts of the moment to provide a perceptible and unstable polyphonic composition that can perhaps make us sense -and transmit- our selves and state of being in full interdependence.
Session of collective listening to the electromagnetic space that surrounds, affects, and embraces us without our even knowing it.
Reserva: Resonating Sculpture IX - Reni Hofmüller - Kontzertua
FechaInicio: 2024-04-19
FechaFin: 2024-04-19
FechaAlta: 2024-03-06
Proyecto: Scala
Entrada: Librea
EntradaES: Libre
idReserva: 80611867-36CA-4CE4-B1F3-A56E6B9B70EA
Fecha: 2024-04-19
HoraInicio: 19:00
HoraFin: 20:00
TituloEvento: Resonating Sculptures IX - Reni Hofmüller - Kontzertua
TituloEventoEU: Resonating Sculptures IX - Reni Hofmüller - Kontzertua
SalaEU: Bestelakoak
Ocupacion: Performancea
OcupacionES: Performance
OcupacionEU: Performancea