The proposal of these visits is to get to know the contents of the exhibition and experience new ways of approaching contemporary art.
It is not necessary to have any kind of art knowledge to participate in them. The sessions last one hour and will be led by a Tabakalera mediator.
The exhibition Larruak eta izurrak delves into contemporary Basque sculpture, highlighting the international prominence of new generations of artists. It displays a plurality of sculptures, installations and devices. Nora Aurrekoetxea, June Crespo, Yael Davids, Iman Issa, Sahatsa Jauregi - Tripak, Kimia Kamvari and Lúcia Koch participate in the exhibition.
- 6 march
- 20 march
- 10 april
- 24 april
- 8 may
- 22 may
The proposal of these visits is to get to know the contents of the exhibition and experience new ways of approaching contemporary art.
idReservaPadre: DE212353-05D9-4BFE-836F-DB56F0C7980F
Reserva: Visita dialogada. Larruak eta izurrak (en castellano)
FechaInicio: 2024-05-22
FechaFin: 2024-05-22
FechaAlta: 2024-01-25
Proyecto: ERAKUSKETAK Hezkuntza
idReserva: D6F0D943-0AA9-4E84-B245-E143B92039D6
Fecha: 2024-05-22
HoraInicio: 18:00
HoraFin: 19:00
Plazas: 15
TituloEvento: Visita dialogada. Larruak eta izurrak ES
TituloEventoEU: Bisita solasaldia. Larruak eta izurrak ES
Sala: ERAKUSKETA ARETOA - Actividades
SalaES: Sala de exposiciones
SalaEU: Erakusketa-aretoa
Ocupacion: Bisita gidatua
OcupacionES: Visita guiada
OcupacionEU: Bisita gidatua