Teachers and educators are one of the great allies for the Mediation project. Through you we know what happens in other educational spaces outside Tabakalera. With you we share our realities and those of the students; their conflicts, their interests, the twists and turns of the school curriculum, the diverse working methodologies, the achievements and difficulties involved in developing a conscious and transformative educational practice.
The Tabakalera mediation team and teachers / educators have been working together since the beginning of our activity. A path for thinking and reflecting together on art and pedagogy, a place to experiment with different strategies and ways of doing, and above all a nurturing and enjoyable collaboration space.
The programme for the 2023-24 course will be developed around the exhibition Larruak eta izurrak. Based on it, we will collectively create tools that may allow us to engage learning processes in any educational context. The aim is to offer new resources (regarding art, etc.) to teachers and educators, as well as to enable students to experiment with other ways of learning.
Who can participate?
Teachers and educators of any stage of education are invited to participate.
This year's programme is organised around three training blocks, each block consisting of two sessions:
1st BLOCK: EXHIBITION. 14 and 21 March. 17:00 - 19:30
In these two sessions we will analyse the exhibition as a pedagogical tool, so that we can experience together its potential to approach learning processes and contemporary challenges.
2nd BLOCK: PERFORMANCE. 11 + 18 April. 17:00 - 19:30
In this block we will work from a contemporary artistic practice, the performance or action from the body, guided by the collective Tripak, which is part of the exhibition proposal. This art collective will give the two sessions of the block.
3rd BLOCK: ARTIST. 9th and 16th March. 17:00 - 19:30
The last block will focus on the work of one of the artists in the exhibition, June Crespo, to explore other modes of knowledge and experimentation based on her work. The artist herself will give the session on 9 May.
Although attending the three blocks allows for a more rounded experience, it is possible to attend individual blocks, for which each block has a separate registration.
To register for the activity you must take the ticket corresponding to each block. All sessions are free of charge.
If you have any question, please write to hezkuntza@tabakalera.eus.
Artists' space, 3rd floor
The programme for the 2023-24 course will be developed around the exhibition Larruak eta izurrak.
idReservaPadre: EBCCFD47-B587-41CB-9DCB-F9423DF2D27A
Reserva: Irakasle programa.ARTISTA. Larruak eta izurrak
FechaInicio: 2024-05-16
FechaFin: 2024-05-16
FechaAlta: 2024-01-31
Proyecto: ERAKUSKETAK Hezkuntza
idReserva: B4824EB1-C3CC-4F8B-BD08-14D215391536
Fecha: 2024-05-16
HoraInicio: 17:00
HoraFin: 19:30
Plazas: 20
TituloEvento: Irakasle programa.ARTISTA. Larruak eta izurrak
TituloEventoEU: Irakasle programa.ARTISTA. Larruak eta izurrak
SalaES: Espacio de Artistas
SalaEU: Artisten Gunea
Ocupacion: Ikastaroa
OcupacionES: Cursillo
OcupacionEU: Ikastaroa