The ATALAK research laboratories are offering a new creative space where an artist dives into researching the impact and development that a greater number of performers could have on a choreography, based on choreography that is already explored and perhaps even staged. This first group research laboratory will be carried out with Navarre-based artist Becky Siegel together with Dantzaz performers, developing the prior choreography creation process within the DNA programme, El equilibrio entre sujetar y soltar, where dance as a metaphor for life and the relationship between improvisation and choreography as creative processes was researched with six dancers.
In this research week welcomed by Gipuzkoako Dantzagunea, and process openings in Tabakalera, the Vitoria Theatre Network, Dantzaguena, and CCN malandain Ballet Biarritz, the ATALAK network continues developing formats that support choreography creation.
The ATALAK research laboratories offer a creative space to research the impact that a greater number of performers could have on a choreography.
Reserva: ATALAK
FechaInicio: 2022-06-16
FechaFin: 2022-06-16
FechaAlta: 2022-04-05
idReserva: FEA22E97-ED01-478D-9D27-78ED4D787182
Fecha: 2022-06-16
HoraInicio: 16:00
HoraFin: 19:30
TituloEvento: ATALAK
TituloEventoEU: ATALAK
SalaES: Patio
SalaEU: Patioa
Ocupacion: Arte eszenikoak
OcupacionES: Ensayo
OcupacionEU: Entsegua
FechaFin: 2022-06-16