
Gabriel Molina-Terriza is an Ikerbasque Professor working at the Quantum Nanophotonics Lab. in the Materials Physics Center. Before landing in Donostia, Gabriel has been around the globe working in Sydney, Barcelona, Vienna and Singapur. His research is dedicated to squeezing out of light beams all the information they can carry, in order to observe physical phenomena which are difficult to observe otherwise. This knowledge has been applied to diverse areas, such as Astronomy, Nanophotonics or Quantum Information. Gabriel has published more than 60 scientific journal articles, some of them in high impact journals, which have also attracted the attention of communication media (written press, radio, TV). During his academic career he has been awarded some prestigious Fellowships: Lise Meitner, Marie Curie, ICREA Jr, Ramon y Cajal, Future Fellowship and the Ikerbasque Professor. Besides experimenting in the lab, Gabriel enjoys reading books written more than 100 years ago, dancing and playing with his kids.

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