Gure Hormek, Maider Fernández, María Elorza, Spain, 15', OV (Basque, Italian, Spanish) with subtitles in English and Spanish
The Housewives’ Quarter. The Insomniacs’ District. The Bandstand of the Unknown Mother. The Underpass of the Single Women. Our walls pay tribute to those we love.
Maria Elorza (Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1988) and Maider Fernandez (Donostia / San Sebastian, 1988) decided to set up Las chicas de Pasaik in 2012. The first films by this new group were Irudi mintzatuen hiztegi poetikoa (2014, directed with Aitor Gametxo and winner of the prize for best Basque screenplay Basque at the Zinebi festival), and the collective documentary Errautsak (2014, as part of Zinergentziak#14 at Zinebi). Agosto sin ti (2015) has been screeened at a number of festivals: Zinebi, the Seville European Film Festival, Filmadrid and Alcances. In 2015 they made a short film as part of the Kalebegiak project.
Screening of the short film 'Gure hormek' by Las Chicas de Pasaik, María Elorza and Maider Fernández, included in Kimuak.