
In 2013, after several collaborations together, Maria Elorza ( 1988 Gasteiz) and Maider Fernandez Iriarte (1988 , Donostia) decided to adopt the name of Las Chicas de Pasaik to sign the projects they make together.Irudi mintzatuen hiztegi poetikoa (2013) is the first film they directed as a collective in collaboration with Aitor Gametxo. The project was awarded with Benito Ansola artistic prize and won Best Basque Screenplay award in Zinebi festival. In 2014 they filmed Encuentros a documentary project helped by the Gipuzkoa Council's Nobel Artists Program; and Agosto sin ti, a videoletter collection. They have also participated in Zinebi's Zinergentziak program where they directed in collaboration with five basque directors a documentary , Errautsak.
Eventos participa
Artistas y Creadores