Founder and partner of , an organisation aimed at helping professionals in the world of culture to understand the current digital era.
Vice President of the Association of Digital Magazines of Spain (ARDE) and member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of the Digital Economy (Adigital), in addition to General Manager for Bookwire Spain and Latin America, the electronic book distribution platform. He is also the general manager of Storytel Spain and Latin America, the main European platform for audio books. Javier is a strategic adviser and investor in several digital initiatives such as Tekstum, Seebook and The Spanish Bookstage, among others.
He teaches in the Master's Degree at the Autonomous University (UAM) and in the Master's Degree in Cultural Management at the Carlos III University, and also in the Master's Degree in Editing at the Complutense University of Madrid. In March 2011, he won the Special RdL Popularisation Award for professionals who have made communication and digital information their battlefield.
Javier holds a Master's Degree in International Relations by Columbia University in New York and a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration by the Boston College.
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Founder and partner of