Retrospective on the work of the Jean-Marie Straub and Danièlle Huillet, one of the most coherent and important approaches to filmmaking of the 20th century.

Tabakalera and Basque Film Archive host and present Making the revolution is putting very old but forgotten things back in their place, an 11-session retrospective on the work of the filmmakers Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet. Focus curated by Chema González and Manuel Asín and organised by the Reina Sofía Museum together with Filmoteca Española.
The season presents the work of two of the key names in the history of cinema and shows one of the most coherent and important approaches to filmmaking of the 20th century. Straub and Huillet disassemble the forms of the cinema to propose new relationships with images and sound: something they share with their admired Cézanne, Griffith, Mallarmé, Chaplin or Schoenberg that has led to a work in which the cinema is both an art form and a political way of impacting on the present.
The retrospective includes new translations and restored copies, and will be presented by one of its curators, Manuel Asín.