Luis Lechosa (Burgos, 1983) graduated in visual arts at IED (Istituto Europeo di Design) in Madrid and also obtained a university qualification in Plastic Arts and Design. In addition, he is a graduate of Máster LAV (Audiovisual Laboratory of Creation and Contemporary Practice).
He has vast experience in the world of graphic design and digital animation and has developed his work via various professional channels within the field of communication. In 2017 he embarked upon a new stage in his career, taking an interest in moving image and the interaction of this with space and the body. He as participated in exhibitions and screenings in Madrid and Barcelona.
In this context, he focuses his research on the malleability of image, the elasticity of movement and on memory now liberated from the horizontal construct of time. He is currently working on various projects which attempt to spread language in experimental cinema.
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