
A researcher and learning environment designer. Her work is inspired by the interaction between learning processes and technology, seeking to accompany individuals in the development of their own devices, tools and environments. Since 2012 she has been working regularly with Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial in Gijón, developing a line called Aprender a través del Diseño y la Fabricación Digital [”Learning through Design and Digital Manufacturing”].
The designing of learning environments is accompanied by a process of research into the potential of making as a tool for teacher training. Since 2014 she has also been a member of the Fablearn Fellowship, set up by the Transformative Learning Technologies Lab of the Stanford University, where she is part of a group that works on designing environments for educators in the form of fab labs and makerspaces.
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Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Researcher and learning environment designer
Artistas y Creadores