
Susanne Kriemann lives and works in Berlin and Karlsruhe. Her work has recently been exhibited at CCA Wattis, San Francisco; F/Stop, Leipzig; Prefix ICA, Toronto; Ernst-Schering Foundation, Berlin; the 11th Shanghai Biennale; Witte de With, Rotterdam; Portikus Frankfurt/Main and Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart. She is a professor for artistic photography at the University of Art and Design in Karlsruhe (D). Previously she was advisor at the Jan Van Eyck Academy in Maastricht (NL). Together with Aleksander Komarov, she founded AIR (Artists In Research) Berlin Alexanderplatz (

Kriemann’s practice is notable for an expansive conception of photography that considers material and temporal traces of the past and present as photographic agency. In her works, landscape is not only a photographic depiction, it is an occurrence.
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