
Degree in Education Sciences (UBA) and Master's Degree in Sociology of Culture and Cultural Analysis (IDAES-UNSAM). She is a researcher in the Education Department of FLASCO Argentina, where she coordinates the Education Management Project, a postgraduate and research training space. She has been the director of the project “Violence, school and subjectivity. About forms of contemporary violence, its relationship with the schooling experience and with the forms of subjective production in urban youths”, subsidised by the Argentinian Agency of Scientific and Technological Promotion and of the project “Contemporary forms of educational agency” subsidised by the FONCyT (Argentinian Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation). She has been the general coordinator of the documentaries Entrelíneas, En la Esquina and La batidora, carried out within the framework of the research projects mentioned above. Some of her publications: Política de la escucha en la escuela (2017, Paidós); Desarmando escuelas (Paidos, 2013) co-authored with Elina Aguirre; Imágenes de lo no escolar (Paidós, 2011) co-authored with Diego Sztulwark.
Cargo - Nota descriptiva
Degree in Education Sciences.