
Moraleja, Cáceres 1980. His entire body of work has involved interventions in the public space, mainly murals. From the outset, he has used drawing as the foundational tool of his language. His work has been notably figurative since he started exclusively working in the public space. With the street as a discursive platform, all his work has come into contact with the greatest possible number of people, irrespective of their social and cultural background. His language comprises everyday codes and symbols which are based on a universal imaginary that delves into narrative forms from classical painting, as well as posing questions about contemporary art and its relationship with various fields including architecture, advertising and tourism. In recent years he has staged numerous exhibitions and interventions around cities such as London, LA, Tokyo and Vancouver. His work has been shown in BACC (Bangkok), the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts and the Luis Adelantado Gallery in Valencia.





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