This workshop aims to activate Alvin Lucier´s piece Chambers (1968) for the exhibition Une musique interiéur (Conduct, Language, Voice, Inner Ears) at Tabakalera.
In this work, Lucier is interested in resonant environments of various sizes, both indoor and outdoor, working both on their acoustic characteristics and on what might be called "imbrications of spaces" making one specific "environment"; audible through another, or using one to make the other "resonate". But as soon as a space or a resonant body is taken in another one, what listening do we have of them? What is this relation likely to produce, both in their respective perception or experience and from the point of view of that which does not belong to either of them, in other words, of the relation itself?
This workshop will attempt to answer these questions by examining some of the spaces and architectures of San Sebastian. Previous practice in field recording (outdoor sound recording and audio editing) will be appreciated, but not required.
Thursday 3 February, from 16:00 to 21:00:
Introduction on "resonant spaces".
Presentation of Chambers (1968) by Alvin Lucier
Cartography of Donostia
Introduction to field recording
Friday 4 February, from 16:00 to 21:00:
Recording and listening session
Saturday 5 February, from 10:00 to 21:00:
Editing, mastering and rehearsal
It is advisable to attend all three days of the workshop, however the timetable is approximate and will depend on the availability of the people who sign up. Once you sign up for the workshop, we will contact you to check your availability.
This workshop will attempt to answer these questions by examining some of the spaces and architectures of San Sebastian. Previous practice in field recording (outdoor sound recording and audio editing) will be appreciated, but not required.
Reserva: Chambers
FechaInicio: 2022-02-03
FechaFin: 2022-02-05
FechaAlta: 2021-11-30
Proyecto: OROKORRA
Entrada: Izen-ematea
EntradaES: Inscripción
idReserva: A7935299-8A4B-45DD-944D-51C4026B316D
Fecha: 2022-02-03
HoraInicio: 16:00
HoraFin: 21:00
Plazas: 15
TituloEvento: Chambers
TituloEventoEU: Chambers
SalaES: Espacio de Artistas
SalaEU: Artisten Gunea
Ocupacion: Lantegia
OcupacionES: Taller
OcupacionEU: Lantegia
FechaFin: 2022-02-05