Bettina Szabo is a Uruguayan dancer and choreographer that has been based in Montreal since 2007. She studied with Hebe Rosa in Montevideo (Uruguay) and Rami Be'er in Ga'aton (Israel). In 2013, Szabo graduated in Dance from École de danse contemporaine de Montréal, and, in 2017, she earned her BA in Choreography from Concordia University in Montreal (Canada). She continued her professional training with Marie Chouinard, Dave St Pierre, Hildegard De Vyust, and Guy Cools.
During her dance career, Bettina Szabo has worked with the Montevideo Chamber Ballet (2004-2007), the KCDC-Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company (2010), the Interlope collective (2013-2014), Jason Cutler (2019), and Paul Chambers (2021). She has received numerous awards and grants as a dancer and choreographer, including Best Show, Best Choreography, and Best Performance from La Movida Joven de Montevideo of Uruguay’s Ministry of Culture and Sport; the Dance Journey grant from MASA and the KCDC; as well as the DSLR in Quebec and Rouyaumont Foundation in France. She has completed residencies at centres such as Circuit-Est, the MAI, and the Diane Dufresne Cultural Centre in Quebec, as well as the Kulgar in Geneva, ImpulsTanz in Vienna, Dantzagune in the Basque Country, and La Briqueterie in Paris. Her work is supported by the arts council of Canada, Quebec, and Montreal.
Her creations are interdisciplinary, marked by a profound collaboration with music and the visual arts. Szabo created Noir=+(2014), Sequelles (2016), and Habitat (2020-2021), and is currently working on Cuña and Zeruki. Her work has been presented in Geneva, Lyon, Vienna, Montreal, Toronto, Mantes La Jolie, Ramallah, and Bilbao. She has often been invited to collaborate with musicians such as the Architekt and Bakalari ensemble, and composer Laurence Jobidon.
As a member of Diversité Artistique Montréal (DAM) and former Reagroupement Quebecois de la Danse board of directors member, Bettina advocates for the inclusion of cultural diversity in Montreal’s art scene.