Auzoko hitzak (Words from the neighbourhood) is an educational project whose principal axes are basque language, public space (neighbourhood) and cultural production, and is being developed in collaboration with some schools located in Egia: Aitor ikastola, Maria Reina Ikastola and Mundaiz Ikastetxea.

Auzoko hitzak (Words from the neighbourhood) is an educational project whose principal axes are basque language,public space (neighbourhood) and cultural production, and is being developed in collaboration with some schools located in Egia: Aitor ikastola, Maria Reina Ikastola and Mundaiz Ikastetxea.
Euskera (basque language), because Auzoko Hitzak is part of the project Basque Multilungual Stuidents (pilot project in Egia and Dima); neighborhood, because we take care of the relationship between pedagogy and public space, reinforcing the idea of educational community; and cultural production, because we are convinced that in educational processes there is also producing culture.
Elementary school pupils are the key driver of the project and in consequence, the firs reflection will arise from their own interests, around subjects like the use that they do of the spaces in the neigbourhood, linked to what we say and hear in them.
From a serie of first awareness exercises, we will decide what spaces, uses or actions we wish to highlight or underline around us. For this purpose, we will begin a phase of intervention in Egia by producing a cultural artifact.
This project pays special attention to promote collaboration and exchange between different schools, as well as strengthen relationships between students, neighbourhood and their neighbours. For this reason we will create a network of partners like Antxeta Ttanttakun spare time club, Ttanttakun radio, parent associations, basque language neighbourhood-commission and other cultural agents.