Want to get involved in Wikipedia? Want to be the author of the unwritten book on Donostia-San Sebastian? Let's all do it together!
All you need is to be willing to write what you know about Donostia-San Sebastian. You decide whether you want to add a comma, a line, a paragraph or a whole article.
At the end of the year, using the articles we compile, we want to publish a book on Donostia-San Sebastian and distribute it amongst everyone who has participated.
The session will be divided in two parts:
10:30 – 11:30: Formative session of edition in Wikipedia
11:30 – 13:30: Session of creation of articles about Donostia (with help of the mediators)
This activity is realized by the collaboration of DSS2016EU, Donostia Kultura, the Municipal Service of Basque, the Department of Equality of the town hall and Wikipedistas Vascos's Association.
Want to get involved in Wikipedia? Want to be the author of the unwritten book on Donostia-San Sebastian? Let's all do it together!