Bilbao, 1994.
I studied for a 2014 Art Degree from the UPV/EHU, and a 2016 Master’s Degree in Research and Creation from that same university. I am currently working on my doctoral thesis.
Since then, and particularly in the last three years, I have been quite focused on drawing. I have participated in various exhibitions, including Clementina (2021) at the Sala Rekalde, Begoña (2021) at the Aire2 gallery, Polita zatekeen (2020) at the Sala Torrene, Dime dame (2019) at the Aire gallery, I_A_U (2018) at the Bizkaia General Councils, and Hire maitale traketsa (2018) in Beasain. In 2020, I completed a six-month residency with the BilboArte foundation, and in 2021 my work was chosen for the travelling Ertibil Bizkaia exhibition.
In terms of written work, I contributed to the Eremuak #7 magazine in 2020 with the article Egindakoa, ezabatutakoa eta egin daitekeena, and this last year, I was involved with artist Usoa Fullaondo's Sentimento popolare project with the text Aurpegia, abesti italiarra eta udako egun bat.