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Second edition of 2deo serieak, a programme promoted by 2deo, Tabakalera's audiovisual laboratory to tutor, accompany and support projects by series creators (producers and scriptwriters).

Eventos - Agrupaciones Pertenecientes
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2deo SERIEAK is a program from 2deo, Tabakalera's audiovisual laboratory,  for teaching, mentoring and supporting projects by creators of series (producers and screenwriters), by offers mentoring and individual advice and which is developed in collaboration with the Festival of Cinema of San Sebastian (SSIFF) and the Crossover festival.

In this second edition, the three mentors who will tutor the three selected projects throughout the program will be the showrunner Aitor Gabilondo, the screenwriter Laura Sarmiento and the producer Xabier Berzosa.

The goal is to influence the quality and viability of the selected projects, and in turn support Basque-language series and their international presence thanks to new opportunities afforded by new distribution models. The 2deo Serieak mentoring programme for creators of series wants to involve both emerging talents and professionals already working in the sector. Their series may be in any format or of any genre and must have international ambition and a particular interest in Basque- language production. The programme is open to series of any genre and duration, including fiction or documentary series, with a focus on digital platforms.

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