Zu früh, zu spät — Trop tôt, trop tard — Troppo presto, troppo tardi (Demasiado pronto, demasiado tarde), Jean-Marie Straub, Danièle Huillet, France, Egypt, 1981, 100’, OV with Spanish subrtitles*, DCP.
Serge Daney said about Trop Tôt, trop tard that “is one of those few films that was able to film the wind since El Viento by Sjöstrom. It should be watched -and heard- to believe it. It is as if the camera and a weak crew captured the wind as a sail and the landscape as a sea. The camera plays with the wind, it follows, it waits, it returns like a buble that bounces.
*Notice: The following film may have some particularities in the subtitles. Some phrases or fragments would have no subtitles at all. This is not a mistake. It follows the way that Straub and Huillet wanted their films to be subtitled.
Screening of the film 'Zu früh, zu spät — Trop tôt, trop tard — Troppo presto, troppo tardi (Demasiado pronto, demasiado tarde)', as part of the focus devoted to the filmmakers Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet.