On Friday 6 July at 7:00 pm, the exhibition Smoke Achivers will be inaugurated in the Storage (ground floor). It is an exhibition that brings together material related to Tabakalera’s past and present. This exhibition is the result of a process carried out by a group of cigarette makers who worked in the old factory and the Tabakalera mediation team. It will involve the display of a number of objects that were found in the building – in addition to audiovisual material – but with an emphasis on their meaning and the relationship between the past and the present, adopting a different point of view and telling the story in another way.
Meanwhile, the cigarette makers and the mediation team will continue working in the Storeroom, and they encourage anyone who is interested (ex-workers at the tobacco factory, people from the neighbourhood, etc.) to participate in the periodic meetings they hold (hezkuntza@tabakalera.eu).
Cigarette makers: Clara Álvarez, Mariasun Arratibel, Marivi Arratibel, Pili Jauregi, Lupe Luengo, Maria Jesús Nestar y Mari Tere Sorozabal
Artist: Sahatsa Jauregi
Opening of the 'Smoke Archivers' exhibition in the storage.