A gathering to reflect on art and education with talks, a round table and a
How can we encourage collaborative projects? How can we manage expectations during project implementation? How should the responsibility for implementing such projects be shared out among the participating stakeholders? When art and education come together: love or hate?
Tabakalera has been working on the School Peripheries call to tender for four years. Over this time, several long-term education projects have been implemented in various school communities in Gipuzkoa. The experience has been highly interesting in many senses, not least because it has enabled a reflection on how to approach collaborative projects. The process takes on a major role in School Peripheries, opening doors to experimentation and approaching artistic practices as cross-cutting disciplines.
The reflection around these themes became hugely relevant during the 2017/18 school year. Other perspectives fed into the projects to facilitate a review of the directions taken and provide food for thought. Each of the working groups behind Harremangune (Txirrita Eskola, Ereñotzu) and Gelditu, Lasaitu eta Bizi! (Arizmendi Ikastola, Eskoriatza) included a researcher in the team: Leire Aranburu and Irati Seijo. Their research will assist us when it comes to designing the 2019/20 call to tender.
These gatherings have been organised to enable us to debate the nature of the call to tender within a larger forum. The participants will include two educators, researchers and guest artists—Mercédez Álvarez Espariz and Pilar Álvarez—who will share some experiences from evaluating collaborative projects at the intersection between education and art. On this occasion they will tell us about the monitoring of the Pirámides (Pyramids) project which took place in the Centro de Arte 2 de Mayo, a venue which involves the entire community.
17:00-19:30 (registration required)
Presentation: Leire Aranburu and Irati Seijo, both researchers. Conference on the School Peripheries call to tender.
Pilar Álvarez and Mercedes Álvarez Espáriz. Conference on the Pirámides project.
Round table
20:00-19:30 (ticket: €3.50)
Screening and presentation, plus conference with the directors.
Pirámides, Pili Álvarez & Mercedes Álvarez Espáriz, Spain, 2017, 90 min, DCP, Spanish
screening. With the participation of Mercedes Álvarez Espáriz, Pilar Álvarez, Irati Seijo and Leire Aranburu.
A gathering to reflect on art and education with talks, a round table and a screening. With the participation of Mercedes Álvarez Espáriz, Pilar Álvarez, Irati Seijo and Leire Aranburu.