School Peripheries is an annual call geared towards developing a collaborative art and education project in school, neighbourhood or city spaces. It is an opportunity to rethink ways of working and to set long-term learning processes in motion which strengthen alliances with the education community.

School Peripheries is an annual call geared towards developing a collaborative art and education project in school, neighbourhood or city spaces. It is an opportunity to rethink ways of working and to set long-term learning processes in motion which strengthen alliances with the education community.
The following projects have been developed thus far:
• Auzoko Hitzak, with three schools (Aitor ikastola, Maria Reina eskola, Mundaiz ikastetxea) in Egia (2014/15).
• Ikastolatik auzora, auzotik ikastolara, with Jakintza ikastola in Antiguo (2015/16).
• Ikastolatik auzora, auzotik ikastolara, with Jakintza ikastola in Antiguo (2015/16).
• hilHERRIbizi, with Ikastola Lauaizeta in Egia-Intxaurrondo (2016/17).
• Harremangune berri baterantz, with Txirrita school in Ereñotzu, Hernani ( 2017/2018)
• Eskola bideak: gelditu, lasaitu eta bizi!, with Ikastola Arizmendi in Eskoriatza(2017/18).
• Building bridges: creating new community areas, with University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (2018/2019)
• Play, play and play, with Samaniego school in Tolosa (2018/2020)
• Trans playground, with Elizalde School in Oiartzun (2019-2020)
Selected projects for the 2020/2021 school year:
Landaberri Ikastola (Lasarte-Oria)
Harri Berri-Oleta Ikastetxea (Donostia)
Zumaiako Herri Eskola (Zumaia)
Intxaurrondo Ikastola (Donostia)
POOK Elkartea (Arrasate) + Kurtzebarri Eskola (Aretxabaleta)