As a farewell to the spring we are going to open the doors of the Artist’s Space, so that we can enter and get to know firsthand their projects. On this occasion, seven artists will take part: Saioa Burutaran, Eszter Katalin, Camila Sposati, Izaro Ieregi, Susana Cámara, Philip Widmann eta Emilio Moreno.
16.00. Welcome
16.30-Saioa Burutaran
16 .45-Eszter Katalin
17.00- Camila Sposati
17.15-Izaro Ieregi
17.30-Susana Cámara
17.45- Philip Widmann-
18.00-Emilio Moreno
As a farewell to the spring we are going to open the doors of the Artist’s Space, so that we can enter and get to know firsthand their projects. On this occasion, seven artists will take part: Saioa Burutaran, Eszter Katalin, Camila Sposati, Izaro Ieregi, Susana Cámara, Philip Widmann eta Emilio Moreno.