A programme composed of nine short films made by VALIE EXPORT, focusing on one of the facets that best define her work throughout time: those where she uses her own body to develop different performance activities. Always with a feminist background that characterizes her work as a whole, here incarnated by herself as a synecdoche of the global female body". Martín Cuesta, Gijón International Film Festival.
PROGRAMME. Duration: 68'
Selbstportrait mit Kopf (Self-Portrait with Head), VALIE EXPORT, Austria, 1966/67, 4’
TAPP und TASTKINO, VALIE EXPORT, Austria, 1968, 2’
Hauchtext: Liebesgedicht (Breath Text: Love Poem), VALIE EXPORT, Austria, 1970/73, 2’
Raumsehen und Raumhören (Space-Seeing – Space Hearing), VALIE EXPORT, Austria, 1973/74, 6’
Hyperbulie, VALIE EXPORT, Austria, 1973, 7’
Delta. Ein Stück (Delta. A Performance), VALIE EXPORT, Austria, 1976/77, 18’
the voice as performance, act and body, VALIE EXPORT, Austria, 2007, 11’
…Remote…Remote…, VALIE EXPORT, Austria, 1973, 16mm, 10’
Mann & Frau & Animal (Man&Woman&Animal), VALIE EXPORT, Austria, 1970/73, 16mm, 8’
Programa de nueve cortometrajes realizados por VALIE EXPORT.