The documentary film, Las Buenas Compañías (Good Company), directed by Nuria Canal and Bertha Gaztelumendi, does justice to part of our feminist memory.
In 1976, there were over 350 women in jails all over Spain, held for misdemeanours such as adultery, abortion and prostitution. Amnesty for them became one of the major things the feminist movement at the time fervently plugged for. That same year, 10 women and one man in Basauri were arrested and charged for aborting or having aided in carrying out abortions. This led a group a feminist women from Errenteria to get together and organise to help women wanting to have abortions cross the border.
The documentary film, Las Buenas Compañías (Good Company), directed by Nuria Canal and Bertha Gaztelumendi, does justice to part of our feminist memory.