Round Table (Sala Z)
Conversation between the guests of the VI Seminario Internacional de Cine, space where they will collect and talk about the ideas that have emerged during the Seminar.
Audience (Barbara Hammer, USA, 1982, 32’) (Cine)
Barbara Hammer takes her camera out to film the audiences at screenings of her films – some women only, some mixed – at the London Film-makers’ Co-op; at the Roxie Theater, in San Francisco, during Gay Pride Week (where the audience includes fellow filmmaker Curt McDowell); at The Funnel, in Toronto; and at McGill University, in Montreal.
“I wanted everyone to speak for herself. I wanted to show the diversity in a women’s audience, the sophistication, the thoughtfulness, the fun-loving spirit, the flirtations, the detailed, the subtle. I wanted my audience to make their own film. In a time of national borders and increasing geographic chauvinism, I found images of women transcending boundaries and cultures and at the same time acting as spokespeople for cultural difference.” — Barbara Hammer
Round table + Audience (Barbara Hammer, USA, 1982, 32')