The Situ-actions project aims to bring contemporary art closer to small and large. To this end, we propose open proposals for sensory experimentation of the youngest, based on contemporary art. In the workshops with the families we will carry out during the months of February and March we will experiment with the elements that will later be part of this exhibition.
How did we get to the collective discovery of that thing that we don't know what it is? In these workshops, we will explore the idea of the weird, of what we cannot define, about things that can be everything, they are still nothing concrete or have no shape.
Who can participate? The workshops are aimed at families with children aged 4-9 years.
20 February (Tuesday) 17:00 | with Maria Jerez
2 March (Saturday) 11:00
13 March (Wednesday) 17:00
Reserva: Situ-akzioak. Maria Jerez
FechaInicio: 2024-02-20
FechaFin: 2024-03-13
FechaAlta: 2023-12-05
Proyecto: 0-6 GUNEA
Entrada: Izen-ematea
EntradaES: Inscripción
idReserva: 570B7F9A-3AC9-494F-A22E-E7FAA99C8304
Fecha: 2024-02-20
HoraInicio: 17:00
HoraFin: 18:00
Plazas: 20
TituloEvento: Situ-akzioak. Maria Jerez
TituloEventoEU: Situ-akzioak. Maria Jerez
Sala: AA
SalaES: Planta 1
SalaEU: 1. solairua
Ocupacion: Familiak
OcupacionES: Familias
OcupacionEU: Familiak
FechaFin: 2024-02-20
idReserva: 570B7F9A-3AC9-494F-A22E-E7FAA99C8304
Fecha: 2024-03-02
HoraInicio: 11:00
HoraFin: 12:00
Plazas: 20
TituloEvento: Situ-akzioak. Maria Jerez
TituloEventoEU: Situ-akzioak. Maria Jerez
Sala: AA
SalaES: Planta 1
SalaEU: 1. solairua
Ocupacion: Familiak
OcupacionES: Familias
OcupacionEU: Familiak
FechaFin: 2024-03-02
idReserva: 570B7F9A-3AC9-494F-A22E-E7FAA99C8304
Fecha: 2024-03-13
HoraInicio: 17:00
HoraFin: 18:00
Plazas: 20
TituloEvento: Situ-akzioak. Maria Jerez
TituloEventoEU: Situ-akzioak. Maria Jerez
Sala: AA
SalaES: Planta 1
SalaEU: 1. solairua
Ocupacion: Familiak
OcupacionES: Familias
OcupacionEU: Familiak
FechaFin: 2024-03-13