Hyper-Reality, Keiichi Matsuda
While in the practice of the artistic avant-garde games represented an opportunity to overcome capitalist-type relationships, within the framework of gamification games now seem to have become the main weapon of a post-Fordist restructuring of life. What options for transformative action are available today given the juncture of Art-Game-Society? What type of production, parts, processes, is it possible to imagine and carry out to free ourselves from it?
To answer these questions, the work carried out with the virtual human codes research and experimentation group at the Tabakalera Centre during 2020 will be presented. With video games as a backdrop, this interdisciplinary working group has started research processes based on the reinterpretation of new identities and the role of play from the artistic point of view and in an everyday life mediated by the digital.
What options for transformative action are available today given the juncture of Art-Game-Society? What type of production, parts, processes, is it possible to imagine and carry out to free ourselves from it?