In its first competitive edition, the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera jury comprised Spanish filmmaker Virgina García del Pino (president), Uruguayan filmmaker Federico Veiroj and French producer Corinne Castel. The jury decided to award the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera Prize to Eat That Question: Frank Zappa in His Own Words by Thorsten Schütte. The jury also decided to grant a special mention to La disco resplandece, by Chema García Ibarra.
The German director Thorsten Schütte, winner of the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera Prize for his film on the genial musician Frank Zappa will give a talk / master class prior to the projection (Z Room, 18:00 on. Free entry).
Zabaltegi-Tabakalera prize-winning films session with the projection of 'Eat That Question: Frank Zappa in His Own Words' by Thorsten Schütte and La disco resplandece, by Chema García Ibarra.