Lea Marie Uria Garcia Zer etorriko den: bertsobots TBK
Eventos - Agrupaciones Pertenecientes
Texto Fecha
15/04/24 - 26/05/24
Descripción Larga

I want to work with the performative power of language, the ability of language to make things, to instigate social changes and progress, for example. How does language acquire the ability to do things? Through rituals: what is affirmed in the framework of a ritual has very different and much greater influence. And how is a ritual done then? According to what I have been able to research, by creating a grammar for objects and loading objects with meaning. One way of injecting meaning into an object would be to equip a robot with the ability to speak and sing in Basque: for me “putting” Basque into a robot is the same as giving it a heart. The aim is to create bertsolari robots, meaning robots able to sing verses in Basque; Basque-speaking robots. In reality, I want to answer this question: why are Malevich's peasants robots? I think that the glimmers of the future appear precisely in sectors that are disregarded, underestimated, and rejected.


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Lea Marie Uria Garcia Zer etorriko den: bertsobots TBK
Tipo Agrupación
Project in residency
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