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Solo exhibition by Santiago F Mosteyrín.

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11:00 - 13:00 / 16:00 - 20:00
Texto Fecha
23 JAN - 30 MAR 2025
Descripción Larga

Eremu magnetiko lehor bat (A Dry Magnetic Field) is a solo exhibition by Santiago F Mosteyrín. It is an exhibition in which the artist offers his vision of fragility, from a sensorial, technical and thematic perspective, inviting us to observe our relationship with ambiguous images and subtle techniques. The artist leads us into voids where violent sensualities lurk: exploded bodies that violate our protective barriers. Stitches that immerse us in distorted landscapes; atmospheres created with manual techniques that generate visual distortions in a hallucinating geography. 

Mosteyrín invites us to let his unraveled weavings impact our body and our gaze,  encouraging us to listen to and feel the effects of the erosion and friction that wear down and transform fabrics. And that we recognise in them wounded forms: desert landscapes and fragmented, resistant and sensual bodies. It is in these tears where the artist's strength, knowledge, and technique lie.

In the exhibition, the tear emerges as a technique and as a grimace: the threads that make up the magnetic fields protect us from radiation; their breaking implies our destruction. From this metaphor, the title of the exhibition warns about the inherent weakness of humanity. In this unprotected scenario, we experience the wound, we assume the fragile.

Eremu magnetiko lehor bat is an exhibition that emerges from the Tabakalera call for submissions for curatorial residencies and is curated by Garazi Pascual and Iván Gómez. The aim of this call of submissions is to promote the local art scene by supporting curators and artists through the incorporation of the resulting exhibitions in the Tabakalera annual exhibition programme. 

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