On this first day of the programme The Great Conversation: Non dago Lekeitio? the themes that will be developed on the next day are condensed. Words and sounds intersect in this overture to a conversation in which the separation between language and music can become imprecise.
05.03.2021 18:00-19:30 INTRODUCTION
-Maialen Lujanbio, Itxaro Borda, Xabier Erkizia: Introduction EUS
-Lawrence Abu Hamdan: Zinema: Walled Unwalled (2018) (Sub: ES)
-Frédéric Jouanlong: Karawane (Performance). Frédéric Jouanlong will give voice and volume to Hugo Ball's Dada text.
* No translation service will be provided
On this first day of the programme The Great Conversation: Non dago Lekeitio? the themes that will be developed on the next day are condensed. Words and sounds intersect in this overture to a conversation in which the separation between language and music can become imprecise.