Sergio Prego’s work is characterised by the unusual attention he pays to the technical conditions on which his pieces exist. In Double Screen ( for undefined film), Prego produces a system capable of integrating diverse film materials, in this case films created by the artist himself, as well as footage and visual materials related to some projects by architect José Miguel de Prada Poole. Both share concerns over relationships with the surrounding world. These oncerns often focus on post-industrial landscapes; one example is Bilbao, the backdrop for parts of Cowboy Inertia Creeps as well as Prada Poole’s project Cubierta de la pista de hielo de Bilbao. Yet beyond certain visual analogies he installation may suggest, the real affinity between the two lies in the fact that both artists make use of truly surprising technical inventions with a view to represent an extremely simple “idea”.
The piece was produced in Tabakalera, except for the original videos screened in the installation.