The multiplication of toxic substances and hazardous waste is a problem that today goes beyond the biochemical order. problem that today goes beyond the biochemical order. The inability to renew the circulation of ideas, to decontaminate the imagination and to direct human creativity towards a more creativity towards a more hopeful future is beginning to be a problem of growing concern is beginning to be a problem of concern to ever wider sectors of society. But to what extent are the biological, neurological and molecular problems connected? Where and how can the where and in what ways can ecological struggles, literature and artistic practices meet? artistic practices?
This roundtable responds to the urgency of broadening and revising the ecological perspective to issues as disparate as ecological perspective to issues as disparate as language, imagination, visual arts and the human body. visual arts and the human body. Not only to analyse the concerns of a turbulent present, but to address this turbulent present, but to approach this problem in an integral way and to be able to advance in the search for new horizons.
Review and extension of the ecological perspective to language, visual arts and the human body.

Reserva: orotariko ekologia bat
FechaInicio: 2025-02-28
FechaFin: 2025-02-28
FechaAlta: 2025-01-08
Proyecto: OROKORRA
idReserva: DB81BD27-AEB8-4ED3-A1B7-9BC8BB462420
Fecha: 2025-02-28
HoraInicio: 00:00
HoraFin: 00:00
TituloEvento: orotariko ekologia bat
TituloEventoEU: orotariko ekologia bat
Sala: SALA Z
SalaES: Sala Z
SalaEU: Z aretoa
Ocupacion: Hitzaldia
OcupacionES: Conferencia
OcupacionEU: Hitzaldia