There are many ways to communicate. And as many ways not to. From muteness to speaking in tongues.
The topic that we will address in the round table HITZ EZIN / HITZ EGIN will be precisely that: asking what communication is and why we like to communicate, regardless of our physical, psychological, philosophical or cultural situation. The exterior, the interior, the impossibility and the conditioning factors that speech itself imposes when it becomes a language have been the starting point of innumerable works, books and songs arguing both for and against the word, because words always pave the way for the building of social relationships.
Our round table will therefore bring together speech therapists, philosophers, writers and translators. It will be the perfect setting to exchange languages, experiences and games, and will allow spectators to participate as they wish: because we will get to the Lekeitios either way, if we talk and make the impossible possible
Itxaro Borda
06.03.2021 11:00-13:30 ROUND TABLE
-Beñat Achiary: Concert
-Antonio Casado: Erresonantzia eta Kiromantzidxa: arte soziala pandemia garaietan EUS
-Juan Garzia: Munduak euskaratzen (ONLINE) EUS
-Juan Gorostidi: Gorrotoaren politikaz: sumindura, azken giza baliabidea EUS
-Itxaro Borda (Moderator) EUS
* No translation service will be provided
Our round table will therefore bring together speech therapists, philosophers, writers and translators. It will be the perfect setting to exchange languages, experiences and games, and will allow spectators to participate as they wish: because we will get to the Lekeitios either way, if we talk and make the impossible possible.