'Let oneself speak' will be the first work group of The Great Conversation.
Contrary to all other animal species, the human race entrusts the entirety of its existence to language. This perspective sheds light on the boutade from philosopher Roland Barthes in which he claimed that language is fascist from the moment we are compelled to speak. Spoken language is a tool with which to begin acting in other languages, such as music or the dancing arts, based on rhythm. We trust that the invitation to ‘stop speaking’ guides us to unexpected places. Hence, this first section proffers a reflection on the relationships and tensions which arise between text and voice, means and purpose, art and life, exercise, rehearsal and the finished work.
Jon Mikel Euba: La máxima paradójica. Relaciones entre lo visible y lo invisible. Segundo intento.
Juan Carlos Rodríguez Delgado: Ejercicios hacia la sabiduría en el Mundo Antiguo
Ainara LeGardon: Morder el silencio, abrir la boca y dejarlo ir
Tomás Pollán: Ejercicios de reflexión teórica y práctica
Joaquín Vázquez: Pensar en movimiento
The first work group of 'The Great Conversation', where Jon Mikel Euba, Juan Carlos Rodríguez Delgado, Ainara LeGardon, Tomás Pollán and Joaquín Vázquez will take part.