For this year's Open Studios, Tabakalera's Artists' Space will also share the projects of the creators it is currently supporting. During the two days, the public will have the opportunity to meet the resident artists in this Tabakalera space, as well as the projects they are developing through the residency programs, both their own and those of exchange or collaboration with other institutions such as Chillida-Leku.
On this occasion, we will also have two participants from Noka, a support program for emerging female directors based in Euskadi and Navarra.
In addition, this year we will have some very special extras:
Friday, December 13, from 18:00 to 20:00 DJ N4JU.
Saturday, December 14, from 18:00 to 19:30 DJ N4JU and from 19:30 to 20:30 performance La Fiesta, with Marc Vives.
Ten artists will participate in this edition of Open Studios:
Andrea Aguilera
Miren Bayona
Cesare Botti
Alba Fernández
Maria García Marraco
Zuriñe Mariño
Mar Reykjavik
Ainize Sarasola
Emmy Skensved
Noa Verkeyn
Visit to the Tabakalera artist studios, as part of the centre's Open Doors programme.
Reserva: Ate Irekiak 2024 abendua
FechaInicio: 2024-12-13
FechaFin: 2024-12-15
FechaAlta: 2024-01-31
idReserva: 900718F8-71ED-4D2A-89D9-034D222D1779
Fecha: 2024-12-14
HoraInicio: 11:00
HoraFin: 14:30
TituloEvento: Puertas abiertas 2024 diciembre
TituloEventoEU: Ate Irekiak 2024 abendua
SalaES: Espacio de Artistas
SalaEU: Artisten Gunea
Ocupacion: Topaketa
OcupacionES: Encuentro
OcupacionEU: Topaketa
FechaFin: 2024-12-15